

Angelina Rondrotsifantenana Rasoarinaivoa ; Tantely Maminiaina Razafimbelo ; Eric Blanchart ; Lydie Chapuis-Lardy ; Tiphaine Chevallier ; Jean-Pierre Bouillet ; Jean Trap. Specific effects of tree species on soil carbon sequestration in a rice-tree association mesocosm experiment: Evidence from natural 13C abundance

Pascal Danthu · Isabelle Michel · Stéphanie M. Carrière · Vanesse Labeyrie · Bakolimalala Rakouth ·Julien Sarron · Juliette Mariel · Dominique Lasserre · Eric Penot. Coming from elsewhere: the preponderance of introduced plant species in agroforestry systems on the east coast of Madagascar

Juliette Mariel - Eric Penot - Vanesse Labeyrie - Hasina Herimandimby - Pascal Danthu. From shifting rice cultivation (tavy) to agroforestry systems: a century of changing land use on the East Coast of Madagascar  (En PDF)