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Coming from elsewhere: the preponderance of introduced plant species in agroforestry systems on the east coast of Madagascar

Pascal Danthu · Isabelle Michel · Stéphanie M. Carrière · Vanesse Labeyrie · Bakolimalala Rakouth ·Julien Sarron · Juliette Mariel · Dominique Lasserre · Eric Penot


An inventory of the species in and around the clove agroforestry systems (AFS) on the east coast of Madagascar revealed that none of the currently grown species derive from the native Malagasy biodiversity: the herbaceous and woody plants which comprise planned agrobiodiversity, i.e. are deliberately planted by the farmer, are without exception
Retrouvez toutes les infos sur : https://doi.org/10.1007/s10457-022-00732-z

Publiée : 17/02/2022